Dutch latest Real 100% latest wax Fabric. We source Africanprints Ankara/Atampa/Kitenge/kente (wrapper) and sell at whole sale price. This gorgeous colourful dutch fabrics wax are durable and adorable for any occassion. A must have for the fashion lover and for an elegant and classic traditional look.
Other Brands we sell are (phoenix hitarget, dutch, sunbelt, monica, avogan, Hollantex, exclusive flora American, chiganvy, amarya collection, super sharaton, super wax,adire kampala, avignon, vlisco Holland, grand super Golden, chiigavy, cihigavy, invroydry Atamfa, super java, fiterx, lagos lace, atamfa roba, cote di’voire, super delight, super english wax and more).
At AfricanPrints, we ensure that through our experience sourcers that quality is what you get always and timely delivery.